This is the collection area of sidetracks and Ideas using Stable Diffusion, Mid Journey and Others. It is testing styles, art, mixing things etc.. A lot of these, mostly not shown, I will use some of the ideas in my own paintings.



( Above: Mix and old house with a girl from the 1960's, reference a great illustrator and you have a new really cool style.. love the house.. It is like "the Magnificent Ambersons meets Edward Hopper )

Loose MidJourney

Late night Experiments

Light Box

Stable Diffusion

This is my life, where is yours?

anotehr on e
Light Box

Stable Diffusion

Our moment where we can live in the light

heartless woman
Light Box

Stable Diffusion

Our One Thought

the fight for us
Light Box

Stable Diffusion

Let's run away & fall in Love

lets run away and fall in love
Light Box

Dream Booth

Christopher Nolan in a Rowboat

alt textt
Light Box
Made in Webflow