Cleaning my hard drives and getting everything up to cloud storage, I discovered a file with old DVD covers for my effect reels and short films. The period is early 2000's up to about 2009. Very interesting to see what I was thinking when I was getting my artwork out there with VFX shops, like Digital domain, where I ended up at in 2004.
Going for the black and white graphic look... Then it switches to at the time was the name of my company, " The Silent Rodeo ".
I had the great opportunity to work with the Director Joe Kosinksi at speedshape for a demo reel piece for AUDI called "BlackBird". Working under Rob Nederhorst I did cg shots in Max and vray. The shots can be seen in the cg gallery, but this one I did Speedshapes dvd cover for the piece.
During this period I shot alot of short films, mostly with the actor from the Beverly hills Playhouse where I was studying at night. I wrote and directed about 14 short films in that period. I will put up a gallery with the ones that got into festivals.
Those festival dvd screeners
I have to say it was a lot of fun making those shorts, total Gorilla style...